Bragging about something = No Value, and Doing something = Total value.

Helin Patel

Yes, I can’t be even able to do my first 10 days challenge.

I do all other things but do not reach out to people.

I wouldn’t say I like it much honestly.

But if I want to grow more I want to follow the steps, which I messed up for the past 10 days.

Yesterday I wrote about discipline and here is what I am doing!

It’s all contradicting. and I want to change it.


So for this 2nd 10 days, I will get 20 Jan to 31 Jan 2023.

I will Get 2 clients 1 FREE and 1 for $1500.

for that, I need to reach at least 150 people who need my service.

So ya I have a new goal with the same goal series.

I’ll reach 150 people this 10 days: 13 reach/day.

What Things I will do?

  • 200 LinkedIn msg from Direct group ref.
  • 50 on Twitter
  • learn from Skillshare about graphic design.

Ok, that’s its new commitment. let’s see there is no girl then she hand to have


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