Upsell is just another set of products with a higher price/value.
you can have a lot of upsells in a single funnel.
For example, buying a T-shirt, the shoppe keeper asks for pants, shoes, and coats.
this process is called upselling.
Now, What is AIDA Formula?
A- Attention
I- Intrest
D- Desire
A- Action
This is the basis for each funnel to work well.
1st is Attention: to grab people’s attention through eye-catchy headlines, design and offers.
after that 2nd stage is to build Intrest in our visitor’s Minds using adding more value with the no-brainer offer
this no-brainer offer will create desire in the visitor’s minds and getting him/her from visitor to buyer mode.
Mostly this AIDA formula is used in every funnel build without any hesitation.
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